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Walthamstow Dog Stadium

Affordable Housing Solutions successfully negotiated the sale of the Dog Stadium site at Walthamstow London E4 to London and Quadrant Housing Trust.


Our strategic and operational input paved the way for the regeneration of the site to deliver a high quality, sustainable, residentially led mixed use scheme offering a community sports centre, allotments and a children’s nursery.


The design solution is specifically tuned to make a significant contribution towards meeting the priority housing needs of the borough. L&Q secured a suitable planning consent in the Spring of 2012, and intend to bring the project to site shortly.


The Purchaser has said the plan will create up to 250 jobs and high quality homes for people on a range of incomes.


Scheme will bring £50m worth of investment into the borough, including £3.8 million to improve local leisure, education, health and transport facilities, thus preserving the architectural heritage of this iconic and historic site for the whole community.

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